In 1973 she graduated from LIIZhT, faculty "Bridges and tunnels". From 1973 to 1976 she was an engineer of the project team of the Crimean office of the Dnieper railway and Design Institute No. 3 (Sevastopol).
From 1976 to 1979 - Post-graduate student of the Department "Buildings" LIIZhT.
In 1983, she defended her candidate’s thesis on specialty 05.23.02 - Foundation engineering. From 1979 to present - Assistant, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of "Buildings" of St. Petersburg State Transport University.
In 1996, she defended her Doctor thesis on the specialty 05.23.02.
She is a member of the Dissertation Council on the specialties of "Foundations", "Building constructions, buildings and structures." Since 1997 - Head of the "Buildings" Department, Professor. She trained 10 candidates of science, has more than 200 scientific and educational publications.
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University was founded in 1809. It is the oldest high school and the first transport in the country.