Natalia Bystriantseva is a PhD, in Architecture, Head of the Creative Association of Light Designers RULD, Higher School of Light Design and International Laboratory of Light Design for Urban Environment at ITMO University
Graduated from the SSTU with the major in Architecture and Design. Defended the PhD at MARCHI, the Chair of Design of Architectural Environment
PhD in Architecture, Head of the Creative Association of Light Designers RULD, Higher School of Light Design and International Laboratory of Light Design for Urban Environment at ITMO University
Member of the jury for LIT AWARDS in light design (Los Angeles, USA), Winner of the Award of Moscow Government in Literature and Arts in category “Architecture and design”, 2014. Experience in urban lighting – over 12 years.
She took part in implementation of the following projects:
- Research project “Complex Plan of St. Petersburg Development as a Center of Russian Light Culture for the Period of 2018 – 2030 with a Prospect to 2050” (2016 – 2017);
- research project “Light Formula. Volkhonka Discticts” (2012–2013);
- “The Concept of New Arbat and Kutuzovsky Prospect Lighting”(2011–2012);
- “The Concept of Lighting the Olympic Park in Sochi” (2010–2011)