Lakhta Center: Construction Completion and Commissioning
Hall №6
December 7 2018
14:00 - 15:30
Chief Engineer, Lakhta Center Multifunctional Complex
Темы выступлений:
1.Contemporary Facades for a Contemporary Complex. Experimental Research and Calculations for Multi-Layer Glass Structures
Deputy General Director for Research, GORPROJECT
Head of VZiS Sector, Central R&D Institute for Structural Engineering (TsNIISK) named after V.A. Kucherenko
2.Highest Monitoring of Structures and Bases. New Stage of Geotechnics Development
Deputy Director in charge of research at the Gersevanov R&D Institute for Underground Structures and Facilities, “Stroitelstvo” Scientific Research Center
3.Facade Maintenance in the Complex
Chief Engineer, Lakhta Center Multifunctional Complex
4.Tower Spire Installation
Ivan Viktorovich Yelkin, Design Engineer, Renaissance Construction