International Forum of Construction Design Engineers and Structural Engineers

INTERCONSTROY-2019. Design for resistance to progressive destruction. Problems and implementation examples
Hall №3.7
October 29 2019
12:00 - 13:30
Темы выступлений:
1."Regulatory" surfaces of load bearing capacity of reinforced concrete and steel elements in the design for progressive collapse and requirements of SP 385.1325800.2018.
General Director, Tech-Soft
2.On the choice of the method of analyzing buildings’ resistance to progressive collapse in emergency impacts
Victor V. Kurnavin, Head of Department, Eurosoft LLC
3.Practical implementation of the SP 385.1325800.2018 provisions on design for resistance to progressive collapse
Technical Director, LIRA software
4.A quasi-static and direct dynamic method of designing buildings for resistance to progressive collapse
Andrey V. Teplykh, Deputy General Director for Marketing, NPF SCAD SOFT LLC