Glavgosexpertiza of Russia (State Expert Evaluation Department of Russia)
Hall №3.8
October 21 2020
16:30 - 18:00
Head of the FAU "Glavgosexpertiza Rossii", Glavgosexpertiza Rossii
Темы выступлений:
1.About Uniform Sate Review Digital Platform
Nikolay E. Gorsky (online), Head, Information System Development Department, Digital Transformation Center, Glavgosexpertiza of Russia
2.Legal Developments in Design Documentation and Engineering Survey Review. Expert Support
Vadim V. Polyansky, Head, Methodology and Standardization Department, Glavgosexpertiza of Russia
3.Features of Engineering System Design for High-rise Buildings
Vyacheslav A. Khamaganov, Senior Expert, Department of Engineering and Technical Support, Engineering Support Directorate, Glavgosexpertiza of Russia
4.Skilled Human Resources as the Basis for Innovation Development in State Review Institutions
Alexander Yu. Shalayev (online), Head of Training Center, Glavgosexpertiza of Russia