Facility Operation with Information Modelling Technologies
Venue: Hall №2 | Date: December 6 2018 | Time: 14:30 - 16:00 |
Темы выступлений:
1.Features of High-Rise Buildings Management. Ogni Ekaterinburga, Artek, Champion Park, Radius
General Director, Ogni Group |
2.Engineering Systems in BIM Throughout the Buildings’ Life Cycle. Asset Management During Operation
Bibik Dmitry Gennadievich, Director of the Department for Operations with Design Institutions; Yonin Yury Vladimirovich, Senior Engineer for Operations with Design Institutions
3.Information Modelling Implementation at the Phase of Object Operation under Assets Operator’s Supervision
Associate Professor, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies |
4.Smart Residential Space. Automation, Monitoring, Control System and Services for Apartment Blocks
Anton Vladimirovich Kamayev, Commercial Director, iRidium mobile
5.Intellectual Market Data Analysis for Development of Residential and Commercial Real Estate Concepts
Alexander Olegovich Alexeyev, C.Sc. Economics, Associate Professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University