Achievements and Prospective Applications of Steel in Contemporary Construction. Part 1 (Steel Construction Development Association)
Hall №5
December 5 2018
9:30 - 11:00
Project Leader of Engineering Center, Steel Construction Development Association
Темы выступлений:
1.Presentation of Manuals on Designing Steel and Composite Reinforced Concrete Structures for Multistory Buildings
Head of VZiS Sector, Central R&D Institute for Structural Engineering (TsNIISK) named after V.A. Kucherenko
2.Designing Multistory Residential and Public Buildings With Steel Structures
Nikolay Vasilyevich Dubynin, C.Sc. Architecture
3.Diagonal Shell Steel Frame as an Advanced Solution for High-Rise Buildings Construction
Nazmeyeva Tatyana Vilsovna, C.Sc. Eng., Projects Manager; Darya Olegovna Semashkina, Master’s Student
4.Information Modeling for Designing High-Rise Buildings with a Steel Frame
Technical Director, LIRA software