New Normative Rules Will Make the Construction of High-Risers Simpler

The work on updating normative documents in construction industry will be continued. The industry professionals will hold a round table devoted to the development of high-rise buildings fire safety code of practice. Besides, the development of three other codes of practice will commence in 2017: on planning and development of territories, operational rules for buildings and execution of work at erecting foundations.

According to the Council on Tall buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), over 100 buildings 100 + meters high have been erected in Russia. Besides Moscow and Ekaterinburg, such objects have been erected and are in operation in St.Petersburg, Grozny, Krasnogorsk, Samara, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Sochi and Kazan. Nevertheless, according to building professionals, they might be many more, if there had not been obstacles on the way of high-rise construction.

The Road Map “Improvement of Entrepreneurial Climate in Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures Including High-Rise Residential and Public Buildings”, approved by the Federal Ministry of Construction, has become an important step towards improvement of the situation. In 2016, the Forum completed an important document for the construction sector – the Code of Rules "High-rise buildings and building complexes. Engineering rules”. Many amendments and recommendations of the market players were taken into consideration. This document comes in force in June 2017.

The new norms and standards are developed at active involvement of leading national research and design institutes. It must make life of builders easier by way of strict regulation of project requirements. Business will be able to avoid cumbersome and expensive approval procedures and special technical specifications, which were required before.

When the same construction norms for building residential blocks of over 75 meters and public buildings over 55 meters are in force over the whole territory of the Russian Federation, the climate in development will definitely improve –professionals believe.