The educational cluster program at 100+ Forum Russia will include a meeting of the School of Young Scientists with the key topic “Sustainable Development of Territories — Responsibility of the Young People”.
The First Deputy Director of the UrFU Institute of Civil Engineering Vladimir Alyokhin, the section moderator, believes that the issue of saving the planet resources and safety of future generations requires utmost attention and understanding. “It refers first of all to young scientists and purpose-driven young people. Sustainable development as the need of today is being emphasized on various levels — from NGOs to governments of, practically, all countries of the world”, adds the expert.
The meeting of the School of Young Scientists will be attended by graduate and master’s degree students, scientists, leading specialists in the field of urban development, architecture and building technologies from Russia, great Britain, Italy, Romania and other countries.
The European Civil Engineering Education and Training — EUCEET have also confirmed their participation. 100+ Forum Russia will be attended by the Association President, Professor of the City University of London Laurence Frederick Boswell and other members of the Administrative Council of the Association. Also expected are the participants of the International Experimental Project of the Foundation of Environmental Protection NEPTUN, held under the auspices of NHL High School from Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, together with RosNIIVKh.
A co-organizer ofthe School ofYoung Scientists isthe International Research and Educational Center ofExcellence— Laboratory “Strategic Infrastructures and Territories Safety Technologies”, ajoint project ofthe UrFU and the Ural Branch ofthe Russian Academy of Sciences.