Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev has approved the format of 100+ TechnoBuild in Yekaterinburg

VII International Forum and Exhibition 100+ TechnoBuild will take place both online and offline on October 20-22, 2020. The event format was approved at a regional meeting of the organizing committee chaired by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev on September 2, 2020. 

It was decided to change the initial dates of the event as there are a lot of other mass events taking place at the beginning of October. It is the top priority for the 100+ organizing team to ensure all participants and guests stay safe and healthy.

"Speakers from other countries either don't have the opportunity or are not ready to attend the event in person, which is why some of the business program sections are going to be held online" – said Senator of the Federation Council Arkady Chernetsky – "Some companies that actively participated in exhibitions in previous years can't take part in this year's exhibition either due to lower budgets or switching to remote work".

Due to the aforementioned, the exhibition will take place in one pavilion – 20 000 square meters – of IEC Ekaterinburg-EXPO instead of two. The forum will take place in the congress center of the IEC. As per Rospotrebnadzor's requirements, there will be a limit to how many people can be present in a room simultaneously.

However, all co-organizers are still ready and willing to participate. Themes have been confirmed for sections by the Ministry of Construction of Russia: 1) Transformation of City-Planning Legislation: simplicity and safety; 2) Post-Pandemic Housing Development: expectations vs. reality.  Additionaly, the Ministry is actively involved in discussions of the plenary session concept. 

Vera Belous, Executive Director of The Guild of Builders of Urals and Executive Secretary of the Organising Commitee, spoke in detail about the business program of the event.

"This year, 100+ business program will include 87 sections. There will be 320 speakers, 23 of whom are going to be from abroad. Despite the current coronavirus situation, there are already 14 registrations by delegations from various regions of Russia, including seven ministers of housing and four deputy ministers of housing as well as four delegations from Russian cities. The exhibition 100+ Urban Technology will feature 100 booths".

The event which at first was an initiative of the construction community of Yekaterinburg has been steadily growing. In 7 years, it has gone from a small city event to the largest regional construction-field events where builders and state authorities get an opportunity to communicate. 100+ has grown into an Innoprom of the construction field, becoming one of the events that shape Sverdlovsk region's image. 

Members of the organizing commitee also implemented some changes into the strategy of 100+ TechnoBuild development in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic. That said, the main goals remained as they were: 1) increase the total exposition space to 50 thousand sq. m.; 2) increase the number of exhibitors to 500 and the number of business program sections to 100; 3) establish the forum as the main platform where global and technological construction agendas.