Steel Construction Development Association

Address: Ostozhenka st. 19, bldg.1, Moscow, 119034
Phone: +7(495) 744-02-63

Steel Construction Development Association (SCDA)

brings together all the participants of the steel construction market: the leading producers and suppliers of rolled metal products, steel structures manufacturing factories, research and engineering institutes, architecture bureaus, and educational institutions. The Association’s principal aim is to expand the use of steel structures in civil and industrial construction of every kind. The Association sees the main way to achieving its goals in the consolidation of the community of competent market participants.

The Board of Directors of the Association is composed of I.I. Vedyakov (Kucherenko Central R&D Institute for Structural Engineering of “Stroitelstvo” Scientific Research Center), R.V. Rozhnov (EVRAZ), I.V. Kolomeyets (OMK), V.A. Grigoryev (Mechel), A.V. Larionov (Metall-Don), D.V. Juriev (Ruukki Rus), Patrick Keating (ARUP). I.I. Vedyakov is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. D.S. Yeremeyev is the General Director.