In 2009, graduated from the Moscow State Building University majoring in industrial and civil engineering with a degree in “Foundation engineering.”
Since 2008 he combined study with work at R&D Institute for Underground Structures and Facilities (NIIOSP) named after N.M. Gersevanov
The main activity is calculation and design of foundations, basements and underground structures, preservation of existing facilities (including underground utilities), located in the zone of influence of the new building.
Participated in the development of the geotechnical part of MIBC "Moscow City," BSA "Luzhniki," Olympic facilities in Sochi, residential multifunctional complex "Dolina Setun’", "Peter the Great and Catherine the Great", "Matchpoint", "Mayakovsky," substation "Bersenevskaya," communication tunnels in Moscow, etc.
Candidate of Engineering, author of more than 20 publications and 5 regulations