Graduate of Tashkent University of Railway Transport Engineers. Majored in industrial and civil engineering.
Alexander Lyubartsev contributed a lot to the project of the Luzhniki stadium reconstruction. He's a recipient of the honorary diploma of the Department of City-building Policy of Moscow for his diligence and contribution to the successful execution of the Luzhniki stadium reconstruction project.
In 2019, Alexander was awarded the certificate Professional Engineer of Russia in the all-Russian competition Engineer of the Year in the category Construction and Construction Industry. Alexander is also an author of articles and expert commentaries in relevant fields. He manages the departments involved in projects and takes part in the development of constructive and engineering solutions for construction projects.
- Main Media Center, Sochi
- Luzhniki stadium reconstruction, Moscow
- Museum of Modern Art GES-2, Moscow
- Zilart housing complex, lot 9 and 10, Moscow
- And other projects