From 1975 to 1987 He worked in the VTs UkrGIPROPISchEPROM (Ukranian Institute of Design of Food Industry Plants) in Kiev - as an engineer, senior engineer and head of a group. In 1987-1991 he worked at the Institute of Cybernetics named after Glushkov, Kiev.
From 1991 to 2002 he worked as the head of the VTs TbilZNIIEP in Tbilisi. Since 2002 till present he is a Director and founder of PROGRESI LLC.
He participated in the exhibitions of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements in Moscow (1988, silver medal and diploma of participation), "EXPOGeorgia-1999" and "EXPOGeorgia - 2012" in Tbilisi, awarded a diploma for participation.
Co-author of several books.
He has more than 20 patents and inventions, the author of over 70 scientific papers.
Full member of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine from March 2012.
Advisor of Engineering Academy of Georgia.