Expert in civil engineering and development of strategies for cities and agglomerations. Founder and head of civil engineering company YauzaProject, Vice-president of the Union of Moscow Architects, Member of Moscow Region Public Chamber, Deputy Head of the public Council of the Ministry of Construction of Moscow Region.
Ilya Zalivukhin was often involved as an expert in development of regional development strategies.
In 2012 tok part in international Contest on development of the Concept of Moscow Agglomeration.
In 2015 Ilya Zalivukhin was a tutor of the International Festival “Zodchestvo”, where he instructed interdisciplinary studies “City Anatomy. Moscow Agglomeration”, that was later developed in development concepts in Krasnodar, Voronezh, St.PEtersburg and Volgograd.
In 2016 Ilya Zalivuknin became a tutor of the Project “Spatial model of the effective city” at the Festival “Zodchestvo”-2016.
Since 2016 Ilya Zalivukhin was a trainer in architecture school Evolution and MARKhI