Shamir has been BREEAM Director since 2018 responsible for all BREEAM Schemes in all 86 countries where BREEAM is used. Shamir has overseen significant changes to how BREEAM operates and interacts with stakeholders over the past few years and has set out a vision for BREEAM to respond to the changing needs of the built environment focusing on the Net Zero Agenda, Resilience, Social Impact and Biodiversity.
Shamir is a former board member and co-founder of the Supply Chain Sustainability School. He has also represented the UK in several standards committees relating to sustainable development both at a European and International level. Shamir has a strong background in life cycle assessment and supply chain assurance and co-authored the GLAA Construction Protocol to bring the industry together on the issue of Modern Slavery.
Shamir was previously Head of Sustainability at Aggregate Industries (now a part of Lafarge Holcim). Shamir was responsible for renewable energy; Community Engagement; Management Systems and environmental management.