Since 1991 and until now works at the R&D and Engineering Institute for Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB), postgraduate studies, PhD thesis defense, 1996–2010 special habilitation and certification courses within the interdisciplinary training system, chartered examiner; By: 1975-76 - construction worker, carpenter, mason; 1976-78 - doing military service in the coast guard of the Soviet Navy; 1983-88 - Voronezh Agricultural Institute, Department of Architecture, professor; 1988 - R&D Institute for Concrete and Reinforced Concrete from research student to Head of the laboratory for engineering research of reinforced concrete structures (since 1998); 2004 - State Academy of Investment Specialists, Department of cast in-situ concrete housing, teaching activities; 1993 - Examiner at Rosgosexpertiza and Mosexpertiza; 2008 - Head of department of civil engineering structures and quality at "NIIZhB Competence Center" LLC.
A.I. Sagaydak belongs to the Russian scientific school of non-destructive testing of buildings and facilities that grew up at the R&D and Engineering Institute for Concrete and Reinforced Concrete under the leadership of Professor V.A. Klevtsov; he is a disciple of such renowned scientists and researchers of this field as S.I. Nogin and E.G. Nesvizhskiy; Mr.Sagaydak founded and continues heading an independent academic research field of "Quality control and monitoring of civil engineering structures through the acoustic emission (AE) procedures"; he developed a methodology for assessing the stress-strain status of structures and determining the pre-fracture condition of structures based on statistical parameters of the acoustic emission, as well as criteria for assessing the impact of defects on the bearing capacity of structures; the results of his research were incorporated in the technical standards and regulations for the civil engineering industry (MGSN, TU specifications, etc.); as Head of department of a private scientific and production company repeatedly implemented his ideas and developments in practice under public and private contracts for surveys of buildings and facilities; lectures within the system of advanced training and postgraduate education (State Academy of Investment Specialists, R&D and Engineering Institute for Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, R&D Institute for Civil Engineering in Moscow, etc.) with original materials on «Quality control of engineering structures", "Non-destructive testing using acoustic emission procedures"; forms part of the European working group on the acoustic emission procedures and of the RILEM Technical Committee; since the end of 1980s. - Participant and speaker (on the issue of acoustic emission) of the All-Union, All-Russian and international conferences of specialists and experts on non-destructive quality control;
Publications: around 80 scientific and educational papers (1984-2014), including those included in research paper collections of R&D and Engineering Institute for Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, St. Petersburg Transport Institute, and other universities and research centers, as well as in various conference proceedings. Papers by A.I. Sagaydak are regularly published in academic periodicals in Russia and abroad; he owns 15 author’s certificates and patents (1985-2010);
Awards: Honorary Civil Engineer of Russia title (2003), "Veteran of Labor of NIIZhB" title and badge of honor (2008), "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" medal (1997), A.A. Gvozdev medal (2008), et al.; Membership in organizations: member of the International Union of laboratories and experts in construction materials, systems and structures (RILEM); Member of the European Working Group on Acoustic Emission (EWGAE)